
Following the decision of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Kuwait (2023/471/45) regarding the issuance of regulations for electronic money payment activities, and in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing regulations for electronic payment service providers and electronic money issuers, Article Seven stipulates:

“Provision of electronic payment services and electronic money services to unauthorized individuals or entities is prohibited by the relevant regulatory authority.”

To ensure a continued access and utilization of our services, personal accounts and home businesses are required to acquire a valid commercial license to present to UPayments to complete verification.

Kuwait’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry has announced the opening of registration for issuing freelance company –  microenterprise company Licenses through the Kuwait Business Center’s website.

You can register a Micro Free License company by following the steps below.

Steps to Register a Freelance company -  Microenterprise company